Solution for monitoring dams throught satellite

Monitoring dams and their conditions efficiently is an easy task, especially where there is no traditional ways of communication.
That is why VELP developed the vPluv solution, which uses satellite communication to collect and transmit parameters such as water level, precipitation, wind speed, among others.
In the solution, a satellite modems is installed, which is connected to sensors or CPL’s to perform the data collection and send throught satellite. The information is captured by a management system, which performs the georeferencing, monitors the status of the communication, allows integration with corporate systems and provides the data in real time.
- High communication availability – geostationary satellites are used that work in a frequency range that does not suffer from atmospheric interference.
- Low cost in installation, operation and maintenance;
- Installation only requires that the modem is directed to the sky, accurate pointing to the satellite is not necessary;
- Compact equipment;
- Solution for easy integration with corporate systems.
- Can be installed in conjunction with sensors or CPL’s