Power Recloser Communication Solution

One of the devices in which satellite communication becomes essential are Reclosers.
Electric power sector devices, Reclosers are generally used in the transmission and distribution overhead cables to reduce power supply interruption time in cases of non-permanent problems, such as rainfall or power outage. Consequently, the lack of communication in such cases can leave thousands of consumers without the service.
However, vSkyRecloser Solution, developed by VELP, solved this type of problem. Using satellite technology, the system guarantees a high availability and efficiency communication of the reclosers to the utilities’ center of operations.
The solution offered by VELP has two formats: one that solely uses satellite communication; and a hybrid, which joins the mobile phone network with satellite communication, ensuring high availability at low cost.
Another distinction is that, in addition to the technology and the equipment, VELP fully monitors the operation of the solution which ensures the efficient use of the communication channel and that the data does not exceed the estimate.
For all this, companies like Energiza and Telespazio use vSkyRecloser.